Hack Your Electricity: Your Contract, Devices, and More


Navigating the electricity market can seem complicated, but with a bit of insight, you can "hack" your way to a more affordable and efficient power solution. OnPoint Energy is dedicated to helping Texans do just that. Here, we'll share some top tips on how to optimize your electricity contract, utilize technology, and incorporate other strategies to keep those bills low.

Timing Is Everything - Avoid Summer End Dates

Summer in Texas isn’t just about BBQs and pool days; it’s also the time when electricity rates tend to surge due to high demand. To keep costs down:

  • Start with Smart Timing - When signing a new contract, consider the end date. If possible, avoid contracts that conclude between June 1 and August 31. This strategic approach ensures you aren’t shopping for new rates during the priciest time of the year. That’s why at OnPoint, we make it easy for you to select a plan with a  term length that doesn’t roll you off during the worst time of the year.
  • Renew Before Summer - If your contract is ending soon and summer is approaching, consider renewing a bit earlier. It's better to lock in a rate before the summer rate spike than wait and risk higher costs.

Embrace the Digital Age - Use Technology and Devices

Modern technology offers countless ways to manage and reduce your electricity consumption:

  • Smart Thermostats - Devices like the Nest or ecobee learn your preferences and adjust your HVAC system to optimize energy use, ensuring you're not overcooling or overheating your home.
  • Energy Monitoring Systems - These systems provide real-time data on how much energy you’re using. With this information, you can identify which appliances or practices are energy hogs and adjust accordingly.
  • Automated Lighting - Consider smart lighting systems that allow you to control brightness and on/off times. Some even adjust automatically based on natural daylight availability.

Other Smart Tips to Lower Your Bill

Navigating the intricacies of your electricity bill can sometimes feel overwhelming, but with a few savvy strategies, you can take control. Beyond handling your contract and using smart devices, deploy some of these smart tips designed specifically to optimize your home's energy usage for substantial savings.

  • Review Your Contract - It's easy to zero in on the rate per kWh, but don't forget about other potential costs hidden in the fine print. Carefully review any associated fees, terms, and conditions of your electricity contract to prevent unwanted surprises.
  • Unplug Unused Devices - Devices like TVs, game consoles, and computer chargers might seem harmless when turned off, but they can still pull "phantom" energy. Save on these energy suckers by unplugging them when they're not in use, or by investing in energy-saving power strips which automatically cut power when devices aren't active.
  • Regular Maintenance - Regular servicing of your HVAC system, water heater, and other major appliances ensures they run at peak efficiency. The smoother they operate, the less energy they consume, saving you money.
  • Energy Efficiency - The right investments now can lead to long-term savings. Opt for energy-efficient appliances, swap out traditional bulbs for LED ones, reinforce home insulation, or explore renewable energy options like solar panels. While there's an initial expense, the return on investment from reduced energy bills can be substantial.
  • Adjust Your Thermostat - Small adjustments to your thermostat, especially during times when no one is home, can lead to significant savings. Consider programmable thermostats that adjust temperatures automatically based on your daily routine.
  • Limit Peak-Hour Usage - In Texas, electricity can be more expensive during peak hours. If possible, run major appliances like dishwashers, washing machines, and dryers during off-peak times, typically early mornings or late evenings.
  • Use Window Coverings - The Texas sun can quickly heat up your home. Use curtains, blinds, or shades to block out the sun during the hottest parts of the day, reducing the need for constant air conditioning.
  • Educate & Involve the Family - It's a team effort! Ensure all family members are aware of energy-saving practices. Simple habits like turning off lights when leaving a room, or not overusing water, can compound savings when everyone is on board.
  • Monitor and Track Your Energy Usage - With advancements in technology, many utilities offer tools or apps that allow you to track your real-time energy usage. By monitoring, you can identify patterns and make changes to reduce consumption.

Wrapping Up

With strategic thinking, technological tools, and a commitment to efficiency, you can significantly reduce your electricity bills. OnPoint Energy is here to support you every step of the way, offering tailored solutions for Texans seeking smarter, more cost-effective energy options. Happy hacking!

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